新疆亮子 发表于 2014-5-18 09:26:45

亮子推荐北疆春季行程:喀纳斯双飞6日 8700元/人 两人成团


亮子推荐行程:喀纳斯双飞6日 8700元/人 两人成团

6-day Trip to Kanas, return flights, RMB 8,700 per person, 2 persons min.

抛却旁枝末节 直奔核心主题 深度体验北疆最美的春色

Direct fight to Kanas can save your valuable time and help you focus on the most colourful spring scene in northern Xinjiang.

阿拉木汗 联络方式: 电话 13579848275 Email xj@alamhan.com 腾讯微信 xjalamhan QQ 355592460 新浪微博 xjliangz

第一天 乌鲁木齐机场~喀纳斯机场~贾登峪 住贾登峪

Day1 Flight from Urumchi airport to Kanas airport; traveling to Jiadeng Valley; accommodation in Jiadeng Valley

第二天 贾登峪~两河口~禾木 马背穿越 住禾木

Day2 Traveling from Jiadeng Valley to Lianghekou (Dual-river Mouth) and Hemu county on horseback; accommodation in Hemu

第三天 禾木~禾木巴斯~禾木 马背穿越 住禾木

Day3 Traveling from Hemu to Hemubas and back on horseback; accommodation in Hemu

第四天 禾木~黑湖~喀纳斯 马背穿越住喀纳斯

Day4 Traveling from Hemu to Heihu (Black Lake) and Kanas on horseback; accommodation in Kanas

第五天 喀纳斯~白哈巴(中哈边境界碑)~喀纳斯(喀纳斯湖、观鱼亭) 住喀纳斯

Day5 Tour in Baihaba (China-Kazakhstan boundary line), Kanas Lake and Guanyu (Monster Fish Observation) Pavilion; accommodation in Kanas

第六天 喀纳斯~(鸭泽湖晨雾、神仙湾、卧龙湾、月亮湾、驼颈湾)贾登峪~喀纳斯机场飞乌鲁木齐

Day6 Tour in Yaze Lake (best in morning mist), Shenxian Bay (Immortals’ Bay), Wolong Bay (Sleeping Dragon Bay), Yueliang Bay (Moon Bay) and Tuojing Bay (Camel’s Neck Bay); flight from Kanas airport to Urumchi airport


7、8、9月乌鲁木齐国际机场—喀纳斯黑流滩机场航班 全价1570元

南航 7:208:00 9:00 10:50 12:15 19:05 21:00

川航 17:55

7、8、9月喀纳斯黑流滩机场—乌鲁木齐国际机场航班 全价1570元

南航 9:00 9:50 12:50 13:55 19:00 20:50 22:55

川航 19:45



Note 1:

Flight information from Urumchi International Airport to Kanas Heiliutan Airport during July, August and September

China Southern Airlines 7:208:00 9:00 10:50 12:15 19:05 21:00

Sichuan Airlines 17:55

Price: RMB 1,570

Note 2:

Free agency services including air flight, land transportation and cruise ticket reservation; accommodation recommendation and reservation; horse riding and horseman reservation; travel accident insurance purchasing, etc.

抛却旁枝末节 直奔核心主题 深度体验北疆最美的春色

Direct fight to Kanas can save your valuable time and help you focus on the most colourful spring scene in northern Xinjiang.

阿拉木汗 联络方式: 电话 13579848275 Email xj@alamhan.com 腾讯微信 xjalamhan QQ 355592460 新浪微博 xjliangz
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